Frequently Asked Questions
Your commonly asked questions
If you need more information please call or email us.
Common questions
As your voice we speak for the industries you represent. This may be at government level where we actively lobby the Ministry for the Environment or through the Environmental Protection Authority (EPA). We also deal with issues relating to Hazardous Substances and New Organisms (HSNO) legislation and are involved in industry training and setting standards.
We are your voice in the media when issues relating to the manufacture of paints, inks, resins and coatings are making news, or when we believe there are industry related topics that need to be brought to the attention of the public.
The NZPMA also works closely with our Australian counterpart the APMF.
Membership fees don’t go to the upkeep of a suite of offices. The Association is governed by the membership with day-to-day management the responsibility of an elected secretariat. Administration is handled by an elected Secretariat, with the minimum of costs.
The Association is advised on technical and environmental issues by committees elected from the membership, and by an industrial relations specialist.
As a member of the NZPMA you are part of a group of industry professionals working to an agreed set of standards.
Customers feel more confident dealing with a member of the NZPMA.
The greater the number of members, the greater the impact when it comes to being heard at government level.
It’s not what you know, it’s who you know. By joining NZPMA you have a network of people to call on for information and advice.
Because the NZPMA represents both suppliers and manufacturers, we provide a forum for the open exchange of information.
You will be more informed about what’s happening across the industry.
As a supplier you will gain a greater understanding of the issues manufacturers face on a day to day basis.
As a manufacturer you’re able to discuss new trends and developments directly with your suppliers.
Please contact us, or one of our members
Membership questions
The NZPMA meets three times a year.
Members are kept up-to-date with the latest news and developments through our meetings, emails and this website.
Telephone: +64 27 290 2810
Want to have a say on the Paint Industry in New Zealand?
Join us, as all members have input through general meetings rather than a small committee.