The New Zealand Paint Manufacturers Association

The leading body representing the manufacturers and suppliers of the paint, inks, resins and coatings industries.



We are the voice of those industries providing representation in the market place and at government level.

It’s an important business sector comprising around 250 companies employing over 15000 people across the country. Our products are supplied to industries ranging from home decorating and house painting, to printing and sign writing, automotive and boat building.

Of the 250 companies involved in the industry, roughly 23 employ more than 100 people. The remainder are SMEs with the majority having less than 20 staff.

We are a Not-for-Profit Organisation.

Join us for the results of the Inter-lab Proficiency testing and see how they stack up.

  • Why join us?

    The NZPMA is the recognised voice of the surface coatings industry in New Zealand.

  • Latest news

    Keep up to date with the latest news that impacts our industry.

    Updated Dangerous Goods Transport page

    Updated December 2024

  • Current members

    Our members account for over 90% of all paint manufactured in New Zealand.


Our aim is to promote, aid, foster, develop and protect the interests of the paint industry in New Zealand.

Are you interested in becoming a member or would like to know more about NZPMA?